Let’s figure out step by step how to suitably weld metal by welding. Probably, to get an acceptable result, you will have to repeat this algorithm more than once. But having learned, you will quickly become familiar with the role of a welder and will be able to perform relatively complex operations.
First of all, we place
the electrode in a unique holder. Now you need to light the arc. The electrode
should be held at an angle of approximately 70 ° to the surface, and this
position is optimal.
2. Leaving the optimal angle of inclination of the electrode, they need to touch the metal and immediately raise the electrode so that a 3-5 mm track is formed. If everything is done correctly, the arc will begin to burn, and the metal will start to melt.
3. It is not uncommon for the electrode to stick to the base. In this case, you need to shake it slightly and tear it off, and then ignite the arc again. Frequent sticking of the electrode may indicate that the current is too low. Try to increase it and compare the results.
4. Once you have mastered the ignition of the arc and keeping it stable, you can start welding the bead. The clamped arc moves smoothly along the weld. In this case, movements are made that, as it were, rake in the molten metal.
This is achieved by constant oscillatory movements with an amplitude of about 2-3 mm. The more measured the move, the more beautiful the welded seam will turn out. By the way, the uniformity of the seam testifies to its high quality and strength.
In the first stage, it is best to train on a thick piece of metal and try to draw various paths in an arc - from simple measured movements with a small amplitude to more complex and patterned seams.
These skills will be useful in subsequent work and will allow
you to get a good feel for how to cook and what angle of inclination of the
electrode is better to choose.
After finishing welding, you must wait until the metal has cooled down. The weld will be covered with slag. To make it fly off, it is enough to knock on the part with a hammer or walk with a brush on the iron.
Some points of welding
Of course, welding is not about making intricate patterns on a piece of metal. All of the above is just preparation and training in this rather tricky craft.
The primary purpose
of welding is to fasten metal elements securely and should be strived for in
your practice.
Welding of metal elements has many nuances, familiarity, and understanding of which will come with experience. But there are some theoretical points that you need to know before practice:
- It is wrong to connect two parts at once with a continuous and long seam. In most cases, this distorts the metal, as the stitching begins to pull together the elements;
- Before making the central seam, it is necessary to grab the parts to each other. To do this, small dot seams are made at the joints of two parts in a step of 8-25 cm, depending on the size of the elements to be fastened.
- Bonding seams are best performed on both sides of the welding surface, as this minimizes possible metal stress.
- After tacking, the central seam is made.
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